Monday, May 21, 2012
Let it be Christmas!
Christmas could not be anymore exciting this year! I was not prepared for Grier to arrive before Christmas, but grateful that she did because it was the perfect time for us to be able to go to Manchester for Grier to meet her cousins and uncles and she was even able to meet Santa Claus! We arrived in Manchester Friday evening and had dinner with our family. Christmas eve morning we were up bright and early so tori could take Grier's newborn pictures. It was a first for me, I was pooped on, tee-teed on, and spit up on, but we got some good pictures! That night Grier made her first appearance to church and did great. We enjoyed the sermon and candle light singing, it really helps you remember what Christmas is about. After church we had family dinner at my mom's and opened gifts. Santa stopped by before beginning to make his rounds. Santa must have remembered Grier was at Nan's house because all of her gifts were there Christmas morning! After that we headed to Claxton for Christmas with Joe's side of the family. We had a late lunch, visited, then headed home to relax!! We couldn't have asked for a better Christmas!!
Monday, March 19, 2012
Blogger confession
Wow! Has it really been 3 months since my last post?!? We've been extremely busy here at the Gill house and I guess time slipped away from me! Well, not only that, but now that I have a little munchin' my spare time, while Grier is napping, is spent doing laundry, cooking dinner, keeping the house clean and the list goes on. Parenthood is wonderful but takes a lot of adjusting. Joe and I are still learning to adjust, but it is oh so worth it!! I can't put all of the blame on not blogging on being a new mother; my other excuse is I've yet to figure out technology. Joe and I got a new camera for Christmas so most of our pictures are on it and you guessed it I've yet to download them to the computer and I've yet to figure out how to upload my phone pictures to the blog...for all of you loyal readers blogging is on my list of things to do in the next few weeks so hopefully I will get caught up and stay that way!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Grier Kingsley Gill
Joe and I are proud to announce the arrival of our daughter Grier Kingsley Gill born on December 09, 2011 at 2:40 in the afternoon. Grier weighed 6 pounds and 9 ounces and was 19 1/4 inches long.
Naming Our Precious Girl
Grier is a name that Joe and I liked. One of our sweet friends suggested Grier and it stuck with us. Kingsley is our niece Lanier's middle name. I gave Lanier the name Kingsley when she was born. Joe and I knew we wanted to use a family name and we wanted to call Grier her first name which made things even more difficult. When I suggested Kingsley, Joe immediately liked it for our sweet bundle of joy!
Before Grier's arrival
On Thursday, December 08, 2011 I went to the doctor for my weekly visit. We discussed induction on December 20th if Grier didn't make her appearance before then. At the visit Dr. Pettigrew decided to strip my membranes to see if it could speed things up. At 3:00 that afternoon Joe and I went for a late lunch, I was a little uncomfortable so we decided to run a few errands "just in case." At 11:00 p.m. I began running a fever so we decided to head towards Savannah. Once in triage they determined I was having contractions, but sent me home. At 6:30 a.m. on December 09th I woke Joe up to let him know we needed to head to the hospital! So, back to Savannah to find out Grier would be making her arrival at some point that day! Once at the hospital things went great! My mom, Tori, and Whit were able to make it in time for a short visit before Grier's arrival. Also waiting on Grier to arrive were: Captain, GiGi, Granny Gayle, Grandaddy Ronald, Jay, John, Nicholas, Evanne, Lindsay, Sheri, Logan, Layne, Natalee, and Bea. I met with Dr. Pettigrew at lunch time and she informed me Grier would be making her appearance in time for me to have a late lunch.
On Thursday, December 08, 2011 I went to the doctor for my weekly visit. We discussed induction on December 20th if Grier didn't make her appearance before then. At the visit Dr. Pettigrew decided to strip my membranes to see if it could speed things up. At 3:00 that afternoon Joe and I went for a late lunch, I was a little uncomfortable so we decided to run a few errands "just in case." At 11:00 p.m. I began running a fever so we decided to head towards Savannah. Once in triage they determined I was having contractions, but sent me home. At 6:30 a.m. on December 09th I woke Joe up to let him know we needed to head to the hospital! So, back to Savannah to find out Grier would be making her arrival at some point that day! Once at the hospital things went great! My mom, Tori, and Whit were able to make it in time for a short visit before Grier's arrival. Also waiting on Grier to arrive were: Captain, GiGi, Granny Gayle, Grandaddy Ronald, Jay, John, Nicholas, Evanne, Lindsay, Sheri, Logan, Layne, Natalee, and Bea. I met with Dr. Pettigrew at lunch time and she informed me Grier would be making her appearance in time for me to have a late lunch.
Grier's Birth
At 2:40 p.m. Grier was born! It was the best moment in my life! Grier was taken to special care due to the fact that her birth was so quick, she was not in the birth canal long enough for the fluids to be released from her lungs. Dr. Seibert, Grier's pediatrician, came by and released her to come to my room that evening.
We were lucky enough that Dr. Pettigrew allowed Joe, my mom, Mrs. Gay, Tori, and Whitney in the delivery room. I was in the delivery room with Tori and Whit so I knew I had to return the favor!! We are grateful because Tori was able to photograph Grier's arrival into this great big world!
We were lucky enough that Dr. Pettigrew allowed Joe, my mom, Mrs. Gay, Tori, and Whitney in the delivery room. I was in the delivery room with Tori and Whit so I knew I had to return the favor!! We are grateful because Tori was able to photograph Grier's arrival into this great big world!

Couples Shower
Joe and I were given a couples shower in Fleming. The shower was so much fun, the low country boil was delicious and the SEC Championship game was on...who knew Georgia would be playing!?!
Church Shower

Monday, December 5, 2011
Our First Home
It's been a while since I did an update on our be honest my family was here this weekend and Tori told me I needed to do a better job on my house/blog pictures. Since it was her suggestion I told her to take some pictures for me! It is so nice having a photographer (and vet) in the family!! I know she takes on a lot of stress taking the pictures and editing the pictures but I am always so pleased and not to mention she works around our schedule even with her "real job", 3 kids, a husband, and building a new house (whew, makes me tired thinking about it).
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