We are so blessed to be able to spend a week at SGI with our family. This year we rented a beautiful 6 bedroom, 6 1/2 bath home with 3 dens, needless to say, this was the first year we actually felt like there was enough room for all of us. With 21 people it takes a mighty large house to accommodate and please each of us! Yes, you read that correctly, as of now there are 21 of us, it is very difficult for an "outsider" to keep us all straight, but I'll give everyone the run down by family.
-Piper (Nan) and Alan (Bamps): My mother and step-father
-Tanner (brother) Whitney (sister-in-law): 2 kids Lanier (4) Chandler (2)
-Rob (step-brother) Hope(sister-in-law: Carstin (11) Jackson (19 months)
-Tori (sister) Cory (brother-in-law): Gaitz (4) Sibley (2) Render (4months)
-Matt (step-brother) Kacey (sister-in-law): Parker (5) Alania (3)
-Tyre and Joe: Baby Gill on the way (which will make 22)
I know what most of you are thinking, you're kidding right? Or at least that's what I would be thinking! My mother and Alan married almost 16 years ago and they have done a great job of making us all one big family, it is crazy at times but I wouldn't trade it for the world!!

Our favorite restaurant is Papa Joe's, in Apalachicola. The picture of me and Joe was taken on their dock. We try to go out to dinner every other night while we are at the beach, however, this can be difficult, but Papa Joe's is a MUST!

The mornings are spent on the beach, then pool time, lunch, naps, beach, pool, dinner. This is Nan and Bamps with 7 of the 9 grandkids that were there. It's almost impossible to get a picture of everyone!

The kids not only love the beach, but they also love the pool. For them to be so young they are actually pretty good swimmers. I tend to try and stay on "lifeguard duty" with so many little fish in th water.

Joe and I had to leave a day early in order for Joe to be back in time to fish in the Capt Hap's fishing tournament. He loves his fishing and I'm glad for him to go and have a chance to do something he loves so much. I'm going to do a blog with more information on his fishing, but his team is actually doing pretty well!

Then it was time for everyone else to load up and head home. It's always sad leaving SGI, but when we leave the count down is always on for the following year when we can come back and enjoy the "forgotten coast." Each of us feel so blessed our parents are able to give us a time to get away from the real world and relax, so THANK YOU MOM AND AL fo another wonderful trip to SGI!
Back to the Real World
Joe and I are moving into our house this week. We started last week moving furniture and trying to get organized, but we will actually be staying in Fleming starting this week. so look for a blog whenever I get a minute to sit down at the computer. So far our house is looking amazing thanks to the late nights from Mr. Moe, Mrs. Gay, Joe, and all the others it has taken to renovate in 60 days or less.