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Where We've Been...Where We're Goin'
We've been on the go this summer. Joe and I rented a place at "the coast" for May, June, and July. Sad to say, we weren't there much on the weekends, but it was fun while it lasted.
At the end of May, Nan rented Eagle Island. Eagle Island is a private island off the Georgia coast, only about 30 miles from Shellman Bluff. While we were there we were able to spend time on the beach, take lots of boat rides, and make some unforgettable memories.
We also headed to Disney World! I'm not sure who loved Disney World more, the kids or the adults. We were only there a few days, but we made the most of our short vacation by getting to the park at 8a.m. and leaving at 1a.m. The kids were such troopers while their parents played!!
Of course, St. George Island was a hit not once, but twice this summer! We have already booked the house for next year...let the count down begin!
Joe and I haven't been able to make it to the lake as much as we would have liked to this summer, but there is always next year!
Chandler on the ski trainer, he is so ready for the big skis!
Sibley's first time on the ski trainer! She woke up Saturday morning and declared she was skiing and she was going first... and that she did!
Gaitz on the big skis! Can you believe it, only 4 and already trying to go outside the wake? He is our little dare devil, he will try anything at least once!
Lanier likes to ski too, but she also loves to swim and ride in the boat. When it comes to skiing she seems to be a lot like me at age 4...she does it, but there are so many other things that catch her attention too.
This trip was exactly what we needed, to RELAX! It's always good to have a weekend where you never have to look at your watch and you don't check your cell phone until you're on your way home Sunday!
We are moving into our house, but still have a lot to do. This is the nursery, but there isn't any furniture! We are planning on using Joe's brass crib and I've been looking for a vintage dresser to use as a changing table. Joe wanted PINK walls for the nursery so that's what he got! This is called "tea party pink" and I love it! In person it is what I would call a vintage pink. And of course, every girl needs a chandelier!
We have an open floor plan. The den, dining room, and kitchen are all one big room which I love! This is looking from the kitchen at the dining room table.
I thought long and hard before I posted any pictures of our house because we still have things to do! I am very much that person that wants everything done at one time, but I figured I could up date the pictures as we make progress. We hope our other sofa will be in at the beginning of September and I'm planning on going rug shopping Thursday!
I have been looking all over for bedside tables and for fabric to have some throw pillows made. Not being from the area really hurts my ability to shop, I seem to go to 5 stores before I find 1 that I like!
Joe is fishing in the Golden Isles Fishing Tournament this weekend so we are headed to St. Simmons Island. This may be our last beach trip for the summer which makes me so sad, I always hate to see summer time go!
Hopefully, we will be making a trip to Manchester soon! I miss being in Manchester and seeing my family and friends, but I also miss going to work everyday at Mountain View! The faculty and students are like none I have ever worked around before. I have gotten text and phone calls from them giving me a play-by-play of the days activities since they started pre-planning. Today was the student's first day back so I hope everyone in Meriwether County had an excellent first day back and I can't wait to hear all about today!!!
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